When you have no arch, it can be very harsh on both your feet and body. No arches mean that there is no support to your stance and nothing to absorb the shock to the joints in your feet, knees, and especially your back.


If you have low arches, it means you have some support but definitely not enough. Collapsed or low arches can cause lots of instability in your stance and in your body, making it work a lot harder than it needs to and often causes muscle tension and pressure in your lower back and knees.


A high arch can cause lots of pain within your feet. Causing too much pressure on the metatarsal and the heel, high arches can easily be combatted with a little extra support to properly disperse the pressure.


A very high arch will result in the same ailments as just a high arch but to a more extreme level. The lack of pressure dispersion with extra high arches can easily result in your toes starting to curl (Hammertoe) as well as bunions.


Of course, the ideal arch will result in a lot less problems then these other types but it is always important to keep your feet supported as you get older and continue to stay active because arches can get tired too. Its important to take care of them.



Usually caused by high to extremely high arches, supination means that your feet are pushed outwards. This can cause a few things, one being intensified pressure in your metatarsal (the balls of your feet) or your heel. If you have bowleg its almost definitely because you have a very high arch pushing not only your feet but your entire leg outwards which can easily cause lots of imbalance within your body.


The most common ailment to the foot, it is almost always due to a lack of support from the arches and flat feet. Pronation causes your feet and legs to collapse inwards and causes a lot of instability in your every day activities which can make your body (mainly your back) to have to work extra hard resulting in tenseness and soreness, usually more on one side then the other as one side of your body will have to work extra hard to make up for the unbalance.


Although this problem is not caused by the foot alone, it is one of the first things with the biggest effect from diabetes and can result in improper circulation and pain. If it progresses far enough, it can result in the foot requiring amputation.


Plantar fasciitis is usually one of the most painful problems resulting in lack of ability to walk or even put the slightest pressure on your heel, usually only lasting for short periods of time. This ailment is caused by too much pressure on your arch muscles which end at the back of your heel. These muscles become tense after prolonged activity and will usually cause the most pain as you attempt to get back on your feet. The pain this fasciitis causes is usually described as a burning stabbing or ripping sensation in your heel. Luckily this is one of the easiest problems to fix! After receiving the proper support to their heel, 90% percent of plantar fasciitis victims reported almost immediate relief.



By putting pressure on your arch, we can eliminate excess pressure from your metatarsal and heel and add correction so that your feet no longer point outwards to such an intense degree.


When you wear our Bioalign orthitics, it not only provides comfort but also trains and strengthens your foot to the proper position that it should naturally be in. the main cause of pronation is flat feet which is a direct result of a collapsed arch that no longer gives the support that is required of it. By wearing these orthotics, you will train and strengthen your arches to give the support that they are supposed to.

Plantar fasciitis

For immediate relief from plantar fasciitis all you need is the proper support to your arch. As soon as you take the pressure off of the arch and disperse it properly among the rest of the foot, the tenseness and pressure you feel from this problem will start to subside immediately.


Our products will not be able to cure you from diabetes but will relieve you from much of the pain. When you have the optimal pressure dispersion in your foot, it will also encourage much better circulation and blood flow. If your foot has the proper blood flow, it will avoid lots of the pain and discomfort a lack of circulation causes and, in many cases, has saved lots of patients from losing their foot or even both.


Step 1

The first step to our process is identifying the problem. Here are the most common conditions that people have and can easily be fixed: Supination – is a condition that pushes your feet outwards, commonly causing bowleg and extra pressure on the balls of your feet (also known as the metatarsal) as well as your heels. Pronation – is when your feet turn inwards as you walk or run. Usually caused by flat feet resulting from a lack of support in your arches and can cause general pain all throughout your foot, usually focused in the metatarsal area. Our analysts will be able to get a general idea of what the problem is, then we put you on our high-tech podoscope to pinpoint the problem.

Step 2

Once you’re on our podoscope, we are looking for 3 main aspects: Pressure Dispersion – using our UV pressure sensors, we will be able to determine where most of the weight is on your feet and why you may may be feeling pain or discomfort in any given area. At this time, we will also ask if you have an pain or discomfort in your shoulders, upper back, lower back, hips, knees, and ankles to try and understand what is going on with your alignment. That brings us to the next step. Alignment – Using our our podoscope will also give us an in-depth view of the alignment of your resting stance and the degrees of your misalignment for each indivual foot and how they work together to get an overall picture of what is going in with your body. Arch Type – The main part of your foot and the main aspect that our analysts and podoscope will be keeping track of through the whole process is your arch-type. Whether you have high arches or lower arches that cause flat feet to anything in between, it is the main part that supports your feet and in turn, your entire body.

Step 3

Now for the fun part! Once we are done with the analysis and foot scan, we can begin with the process of making you your own custom pair of our BioAlign orthotics immediately. We will select a size of orthotics for your feet based on the size of your foot, not your shoes. BioAlign is meant to be an extension of your foot and whatever footwear you prefer, our orthotics are going to be able to fit right in and be with you every step of the way. Based on the results of of your scan and analysis, your analyst will be able to make you a pair of orthotics on the spot within 30 minutes and you will be able to walk away with the support that you need right there and then. No wait times for your orthotics to be molded and sent to you weeks or months later, you get them right away! Once they are made, you will have a chance to try them in your own shoes to see if they were made just right. Our main goal is to relieve you of any pain or discomfort and we always want to make sure that you are leaving 100% satisfied. If you are not completely satisfied at first step, we will simply remold them until you are completely taken care of.

High quality materials

Bioalign uses the highest quality polyurethane material to give you the support you need. combined with the best felt and memory foam layering to give you the most comfortable and confident experience of a lifetime.

Get ready for the new you

Custom designed to your own feet, these orthotics will fix your feet shape and positioning, your body stance alignment, as well encourage better circulation, leaving yourself feeling like the you that you wish to be.

Lifetime remolding warranty

Need an adjustment? No problem! Just contact us whatever way is most convenient for you and we’ll be happy to fix you up. Don’t worry about a thing, its on us!.

Skip the high prices

Here at bioalign, we believe that if people need something, we should be able to provide it at an affordable price, so that’s exactly what we do! Only $399.95 a pair no matter the extremity of your foot problems.


  • Throughout the day, a lot of pressure Is put on your feet. These will help to disperse that pressure and decrease sore feet.
  • Better blood circulation.
  • Better balance.
  • Reduced back aches and pains.
  • Absorbs a lot of the pressure that shocks your feet during walking, running, and any other activities involving you being on your feet.